How Pesa Coin Works : Powered by DEMS NIXUS

Bitcoin and Ethereum gave birth to the idea of decentralized ecosystems with Proof-of-Work based blockchains for cryptocurrency safety and core programmability, but fall short on performance, costs, compliance and enterprise usability. 

PCT technology constitutes a public, council-governed blockchain using a Proof-Of-Stake consensus mechanism that enables low, fixed costs, guaranteed high performance, data privacy compliance, multi-chain-coordination and off-chain integration by design. PCT DEMS technology is automating with AI & ML the era of decentralized, ERP-like apps that can span multiple enterprises but also share data and logic, in turn automating and digitizing commerce and in return guarantee maximum value.

Cryptocurrency Prices by Pesa Coin

DEMS enables business executives to anticipate the impact of deviations from business policies or strategies and their impact on the business value.

DEMS consolidates resources and builds on the extensive investments already made by companies. It also forces a factual value-driven collaboration that engages end users from all levels in ultimate value creation.

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